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Performance Report Fields

  • Appraisals - Number of Appraisals in the period by Appraisal Date
  • Appraisals - Average Value - Average value (Appraisal Price) of Appraisals in the period by Appraisal Date
  • Appraisals - Average Value (Split) - Proportional average value (Appraisal Price) of Appraisals in the period by Appraisal Date
  • Appraisals - Target - Target number of new Appraisals for the period
  • Appraisals - Target % - Actual number of Appraisals in the period by Appraisal Date against Target
  • Appraisals - Total Value - Total value (Appraisal Price) of Appraisals in the period by Appraisal Date
  • Appraisals - Total Value (Split) - Proportional value (Appraisal Price) of Appraisals in the period by Appraisal Date
  • Appraisals (Split) - Proportional number of Appraisals in the period by Appraisal Date
  • Appraise to List Ratio - Percentage of Appraisals in the period by Appraisal Date which have since been converted to Listings
  • Appraise to Present Ratio - Percentage of Appraisals in the period by Appraisal Date which have since been converted to Listing Presentations
  • Auction Clearance Rate (Adjusted) - Percentage of Auction Listings in the period by Auction Date which have been sold before the Listing Expiry Date
  • Auction Clearance Rate (Auction Day) - Percentage of Auction Listings in the period by Auction Date which have been sold on or before the Auction Date
  • Average Days on Market (All Sold) - Average Days on Market for all Listings Sold in the period (all sale methods)
  • Average Days on Market (Auctions) - Average Days on Market for Auction Listings Sold in the period
  • Average Days on Market (Lease) - Average Days on Market for Lease Listings Leased in the period
  • Average Days on Market (PT) - Average Days on Market for all Private Treaty Listings Sold in the period
  • Call Attempts - Number of Phone Call Attempts logged in the period
  • Call Attempts - Target - Target number of Phone Call Attempts for the period
  • Call Attempts - Target % - Actual number of Phone Call Attempts logged in the period against Target
  • Call Connections - Number of Connected Phone Calls (conversations) logged in the period
  • Call Connections - Target - Target number of Connected Phone Calls (conversations) for the period
  • Call Connections - Target % - Actual number of Connected Phone Calls (conversations) logged in the period against Target
  • Leased Listings - Number of Listings Leased in the period by Leased Date
  • List to Sell Ratio - Percentage of Listings in the period by Listing Date which have since been Sold
  • Listings - Number of Listings in the period by Listing Date
  • Listings - Average Value - Average value (Listed/Search Price) of Listings in the period by Listing Date
  • Listings - Average Value (Split) - Proportional average value (Listed/Search Price) of Listings in the period by Listing Date attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • Listings - Target - Target number of new Listings for the period
  • Listings - Target % - Proportional number of Listings in the period by Listing Date attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected against a target
  • Listings - Total Value - Total value (Listed/Search Price) of Listings in the period by Listing Date
  • Listings - Total Value (Split) - Proportional value (Listed/Search Price) of Listings in the period by Listing Date attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • Listings (Lease) - Number of Lease Listings in the period by Listing Date
  • Listings (Split) - Proportional number of Listings in the period by Listing Date attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • New Contacts - Number of new contacts added to the database in the period
  • New Contacts - Target - Target number of new Contacts for the period
  • New Contacts - Target % - Actual number of new Contacts added to the database in the period against Target
  • New Listings On Market - Number of Listings in the period by On Market Date
  • Present to List Ratio - Percentage of Listing Presentations in the period by Presentation Date which have since been converted to Listings
  • Presentations - Number of Listing Presentations in the period by Presentation Date
  • Presentations - Average Value - Average value (Appraisal Price) of Listing Presentations in the period by Presentation Date
  • Presentations - Average Value (Split) - Proportional average value (Appraisal Price) of Listing Presentations in the period by Presentation Date
  • Presentations - Target - Target number of new Listing Presentations for the period
  • Presentations - Target % - Actual number of Listing Presentations in the period by Presentation Date against Target
  • Presentations - Total Value - Total value (Appraisal Price) of Listing Presentations in the period by Presentation Date
  • Presentations - Total Value (Split) - Proportional value (Appraisal Price) of Presentations in the period by Presentation Date
  • Presentations (Split) - Proportional number of Presentations in the period by Presentation Date
  • Sales Settled - Number of Sales Settled in the period by Settled Date
  • Sales Settled - Average Value - Average value (Sold Price) of Sales Settled in the period by Settled Date
  • Sales Settled - Average Value (Split) - Proportional average value (Sold Price) of Sales Settled in the period by Settled Date attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • Sales Settled - Gross Commission - Total Gross Commission from Sales Settled in the period by Settled Date
  • Sales Settled - Gross Commission (Split) - Proportional value of Gross Commission from Sales Settled in the period by Settled Date attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • Sales Settled - Total Value - Total value (Sold Price) of Sales Settled in the period by Settled Date
  • Sales Settled - Total Value (Split) - Proportional value (Sold Price) of Sales Settled in the period by Settled Date attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • Sales Settled (Split) - Proportional number of Sales Settled in the period by Settled Date attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • Sales Written - Number of Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected)
  • Sales Written - Average Gross Commission - Average Gross Commission from Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected)
  • Sales Written - Average Gross Commission (Split) - Proportional average Gross Commission from Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected) attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • Sales Written - Average Gross Commission Rate % - Average Gross Commission fee/rate (%) based on Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected)
  • Sales Written - Average Value - Average value (Sold Price) of Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected)
  • Sales Written - Average Value (Split) - Proportional average value (Sold Price) of Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected) attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • Sales Written - Gross Commission - Total Gross Commission from Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected)
  • Sales Written - Gross Commission - Target - Target value of Gross Commission for the period
  • Sales Written - Gross Commission - Target % - Proportional Gross Commission from Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected) attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected against a target
  • Sales Written - Gross Commission (Split) - Proportional Gross Commission from Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected) attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • Sales Written - Target - Target number of Sales Written for the period
  • Sales Written - Target % - Proportional number of Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected) attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected against a target
  • Sales Written - Total Value - Total value (Sold Price) of Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected)
  • Sales Written - Total Value (Split) - Proportional value (Sold Price) of Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected) attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected
  • Sales Written (Split) - Proportional number of Sales Written in the period by either Contract Date or Unconditional Date (depending on the method selected) attributable to the Agent/Team/Office selected