API Record Details
The below contains the information to include in the "Data" object for a request to the Events endpoint.
Connecting Records to Spinify UsersNote: Owner needs to be the user’s email address. If the user doesn’t exist in Spinify and doesn’t exactly match the email will still be accepted but won’t be applied to a competition, gamification, etc.
🤝DealName | Type | Is Required |
ObjectID | string | ✅ |
ExternalOrgId | string | ✅ |
Name | string | ✅ |
CloseDate | datetime | ✅ |
Owner | string | ✅ |
Type | string | ✅ |
Amount | number | ✅ |
IsClosed | boolean | ✅ |
IsWon | boolean | ✅ |
IsDeleted | boolean | ✅ |
SalesStage | string | ✅ |
LastContacted | datetime | |
LastUpdated | datetime | ✅ |
Created | datetime | ✅ |
Probability | number | |
ForecastCategory | string | |
NextStep | string | |
ExpectedRevenue | number | |
LeadSource | string | |
IsPrivate | boolean | |
RecordType | string |
Example Deal Request:
"Type": "Deal",
"RecordUrl": "https://example.com/006R000000TdGmrIAF",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"EventID": "UniquelyGeneratedValue",
"Data": {
"IsDeleted": false,
"CloseDate": "2017-10-12",
"Type": "Existing Business",
"NextStep": null,
"LastContacted": null,
"Probability": 100,
"IsClosed": true,
"Name": "Spinify Monthly Renewal",
"LeadSource": null,
"ExpectedRevenue": null,
"IsWon": true,
"Owner": "owner.email@spinify.com",
"RecordType": "Test",
"IsPrivate": null,
"ForecastCategory": "Closed",
"Amount": 500.00,
"SalesStage": "Closed Won",
"LastUpdated": "2017-10-12T14:56:35.000Z",
"Created": "2017-10-12T14:56:22.000Z",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"ObjectId": "006R000000TdGmrIAF"

Example Call Request:
"Type": "Call",
"RecordUrl": "https://example.com/00TR000000VdjXfMAJ",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"EventID": "UniquelyGeneratedValue",
"Data": {
"Name": "Call",
"Type": "Call",
"RelatedDeal": "006R000000TdGmrIAF",
"LastUpdated": "2017-10-12T14:56:46.000Z",
"RecordType": null,
"IsClosed": true,
"Owner": "owner.email@spinify.com",
"Status": "Completed",
"IsDeleted": false,
"ActivityDate": "2017-10-12",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"ObjectId": "00TR000000VdjXfMAJ"

Example Email Request
"Type": "Email",
"RecordUrl": "https://example.com/00TR000000VdjXpMAJ",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"EventID": "UniquelyGeneratedValue",
"Data": {
"Owner": "owner.email@spinify.com",
"Type": "Email",
"RecordType": null,
"Name": "Email: Your Monthly Renewal",
"RelatedDeal": "006R000000TdGmrIAF",
"LastUpdated": "2017-10-12T14:58:21.000Z",
"IsDeleted": false,
"IsClosed": true,
"Status": "Completed",
"ActivityDate": "2017-10-12",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"ObjectId": "00TR000000VdjXpMAJ"

Example Meeting Request
"Type": "Meeting",
"RecordUrl": "https://example.com/00TR000000VdjXkMAJ",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"EventID": "UniquelyGeneratedValue",
"Data": {
"RecordType": null,
"RelatedDeal": "006R000000TdGmrIAF",
"IsClosed": false,
"LastUpdated": "2017-10-12T14:57:48.000Z",
"Name": "Meeting: 10/12/2017",
"Status": "Open",
"IsDeleted": false,
"ActivityDate": "2017-10-12",
"Type": "Task",
"Owner": "owner.email@spinify.com",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"ObjectId": "00TR000000VdjXkMAJ"

Example Lead Request
"Type": "Lead",
"RecordUrl": "https://example.com/00QR000000G4oNIMAZ",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"EventID": "UniquelyGeneratedValue",
"Data": {
"Name": "John Johnson",
"Owner": "owner.email@spinify.com",
"IsQualified": false,
"Company": "Spinify",
"QualifiedDate": null,
"CreatedDate": "2017-08-29T12:54:20.000Z",
"IsDeleted": false,
"RecordType": null,
"LastUpdated": "2017-10-12T15:08:15.000Z",
"Status": "New",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"ObjectId": "00QR000000G4oNIMAZ"

Example Account Request
"Type": "Account",
"RecordUrl": "https://example.com/001R000001GIhVNIA1",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"EventID": "UniquelyGeneratedValue",
"Data": {
"RecordType": null,
"Industry": "Technology",
"IsActive": null,
"Owner": "owner.email@spinify.com",
"Status": null,
"ActivationDate": null,
"CreatedDate": "2017-07-07T22:45:57.000Z",
"LastUpdated": "2017-10-12T15:09:40.000Z",
"Name": "Spinify",
"Type": "Analyst",
"IsDeleted": false,
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"ObjectId": "001R000001GIhVNIA1"
💸Trailing Revenue

Example Trailing Revenue Request
"Type": "TrailingRevenue",
"RecordUrl": "https://example.com/001R000001GIhVNIA1",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"EventID": "UniquelyGeneratedValue",
"Data": {
"Name": "Sale Name"
"StartDate": "2017-07-07T22:45:57.000Z",
"EndDate": "2017-07-07T22:45:57.000Z",
"Owner": "owner.email@spinify.com",
"Revenue": 150,
"Account": "Abc Corp",
"LastUpdated": "2017-10-12T15:09:40.000Z",
"RecordType": null,
"IsDeleted": false
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"ObjectId": "001R000001GIhVNIA1"

Example Case Request
"Type": "Case",
"RecordUrl": "https://example.com/500R0000008E04QIAS",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"EventID": "UniquelyGeneratedValue",
"Data": {
"Milestones": [
"CompletionDate": null,
"IsCompleted": false,
"IsViolated": false,
"StartDate": "2017-10-12T15:15:05.000Z",
"Type": "First Response",
"TargetDate": "2017-10-12T15:18:05.000Z"
"Origin": "Web",
"ContactEmail": null,
"CaseNumber": "00001633",
"IsClosed": false,
"Priority": "High",
"Reason": "New problem",
"WebEmail": null,
"ContactPhone": null,
"RecordType": null,
"WebName": null,
"WebCompany": null,
"Subject": "API Isn't Working As Expected",
"IsClosedOnCreate": null,
"Type": "Problem",
"LastUpdated": "2017-10-12T15:15:05.000Z",
"WebPhone": null,
"Status": "New",
"IsEscalated": false,
"Name": "00001633",
"Owner": "owner.email@spinify.com",
"ContactMobile": null,
"CreatedDate": "2017-10-12T15:15:05.000Z",
"ClosedDate": null,
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"ObjectId": "500R0000008E04QIAS"

Example PropertyListing Request
"Type": "PropertyListing",
"ExternalOrgId": "local",
"EventID": "UniquelyGeneratedValue",
"Data": {
"ObjectId": "17358057",
"Classification": "residential",
"PriceFrom": 2000000,
"CommercialSaleType": "sale",
"Status": "conditional",
"Name": "10 Main Street, Phillip ACT, Australia",
"Street": "10 Main Street",
"City": "PHILLIP",
"State": "ACT"
"Country": "Australia",
"Type": "House",
"Bedrooms": 3,
"Bathrooms": 2,
"Toilets": 2,
"Garages": 1,
"Carports": 0,
"Owner": "owner.email@spinify.com",
"ImageUpdatedAt": "2017-06-16T02:07:36Z",
"ListingAt": "2017-06-15T16:00:00Z",
"UpdatedAt": "2017-06-16T02:11:36Z",
"LastUpdated": "2017-06-16T02:11:36Z",
"CreatedAt": "2017-06-16T02:07:36Z",
"SaleDetailsPrice": 2000000,
"Image": "https://example.com/10-main-street.jpg"
Further details on how to send an events request can be found in these help articles.