Box + Dice Connected Objects
After you connect your Box + Dice account with Spinify, the following fields are linked to the objects in Spinify for you to use when creating leaderboards or achievements.
ActualUnconditionalDate - date - unconditional date of listing
AppraisedAt - date - date listing was appraised
- City - string - city of listing
- CreatedAt - datetime - when it was created in B+D
- LastUpdated - datetime -when it last updated in B+D
- ListingAt - datetime - when it was listed
- ListingType - string - the listing type
- Name - string - street address
- Owner - string - agent the property listing belongs to in B+D
- PortalPrice - number - price shown on portal
- PriceFrom - number - price range from
- PriceTo - number - price range to
- SaleDetailsPrice - number - sold price
- SoldDate - date - date sold
- State - string - state from property's address
- Status - string - status set on property listing in B+D
- VendorPrice - number - vendor price
- WithdrawnAt - date - date listing withdrawn
- Owner - string - Box + Dice user the task belongs to
- CompletedAt - datetime - when the task was marked complete
- Name - string - task id in Box + Dice
- LastUpdated - datetime - when task was last updated in Box + Dice