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Connect KORE Software objects

Our Dynamics integration is designed to seamlessly track data on any custom object within your Microsoft Dynamics instance. To integrate KORE Software objects into Spinify, follow these steps:

Contact our Support Team:
Reach out to our dedicated support team to initiate the process. You can do this by sending an email to [] or by using the live chat feature on our website.

Provide Object Details:
In your communication, specify the custom objects from KORE Software that you would like to integrate into Spinify. Clearly outline the details of each object, ensuring our team has comprehensive information to facilitate a smooth integration.

Efficient Integration:
Once your request is received, our experienced team will promptly work on incorporating the specified KORE Software objects into your Dynamics integration. This process is handled with precision to ensure a seamless experience for you.

Confirmation and Support:
Upon successful integration, our support team will notify you, providing confirmation that the KORE Software objects have been added to your Dynamics instance within Spinify. Should you encounter any issues or have further questions, our support team remains at your disposal to provide assistance.

By following these steps, you'll unlock the full potential of our Dynamics integration, enabling you to efficiently track data on your chosen KORE Software custom objects.