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Creating Custom Objects

**PLEASE NOTE - You must have Salesforce Administrator privileges on your account to perform this action.

We know that not all Salesforce accounts are created the same, perhaps you have standard or custom objects that are not mapped by default to Spinify. We've made it easy to create new objects in Spinify to be used in competitions or achievements. 


You must have Salesforce Administrator privileges on your account to perform this action.

You should already have the Salesforce Spinify App installed in your Salesforce Instance - Version 2.33 and above is required.

If you need assistance with this - view our help article on Installing Salesforce

1) Switch to Spinify App

Salesforce Lightning

  • Go to the App Launcher
  • Select the "Spinify" app

Salesforce Classic

  • Choose the App Dropdown
  • Select the "Spinify" app.
2) Select the Mapping Object
  • Select the "Spinify Setup" tab
  • next, select "Setup Sync" on the "Custom Sync" section.
  • Choose to create a new record.
Step 3 - Create the Mapping

You will need to create the record mapping to Spinify by selecting the following:

  1. Salesforce Object: You can choose any standard or custom Salesforce object.
  2. Spinify Name: Select a name to be used in Spinify when using this object.mceclip0.png
Step 4 - Customize Mapping

After creating the record you will need to choose which fields you want to sync across to Spinify.


To do this, see: Customizing Salesforce Fields

Once the mapping is complete, you can start creating competitions and achievements using these new records.

Step 5 - (optional) Resync Past Records

Updating the mapping won't update historical records that have already synced over into Spinify. To update your past records with the new mapping, please see: Resync Salesforce Records

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