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Dynamics Connected Objects

After you connect your Dynamics account with Spinify, the following fields are linked to the objects in Spinify for you to use when creating leaderboards or achievements.

  • CreatedAt - datetime - when the account was created
  • CreatedBy - string - Dynamics user that created an account
  • LastUpdated - datetime
  • Name - string - account name
  • OpenDeals - number - count of open deals associated with the account
  • OpenDealsAt - datetime - timestamp of most open deal associated with the account
  • OpenRevenue - number - revenue from all open deals
  • OpenRevenueAt - datetime - timestamp of last open revenue associated with the account
  • Owner - string - Dynamics user the account belongs to
  • Revenue - number - revenue generated by the account
  • ActualDurationInSeconds - number - actual duration in seconds of activity
  • ActualEnd - datetime - when the activity ends
  • ActualStart - datetime - when the activity starts
  • IsAppointment - boolean - true if it's an appointment, otherwise false
  • IsCall - boolean - true if it's a call, otherwise false
  • IsCompleted - boolean - true if the activity has been completed, otherwise false
  • IsTask - boolean - true if it's a task, otherwise false
  • LastUpdated - datetime
  • Name - string - subject of the activity
  • Owner - string - Dynamics user the activity belongs to
  • CreatedBy - string - Dynamics user that created the lead
  • CreatedOn - timestamp - when lead was created
  • DecisionMaker - boolean
  • IsQualified - boolean
  • LastUpdated - datetime
  • Name - string - lead's name
  • Owner - string - Dynamics user the lead belongs to
🤝Deal (Opportunity)
  • ActualCloseDate - date - when deal closes
  • ActualValue - number - closed deal value
  • CloseProbability - number - percentage
  • CreatedBy - string - Dynamics user that created the deal
  • CreatedOn - timestamp - when the deal was created
  • EstimatedCloseDate - date - potential close date on an open deal
  • EstimatedValue - number - potential open deal value
  • LastUpdated - datetime
  • Name - string - deal's name
  • Owner - string - Dynamics user the deal belongs to