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How to Customize Badge and Tier Achievements

Badge and Tier Achievements are created by default for every Spinify account. They will trigger any time a user earns a badge or progresses to a new gamification tier level.


To customize your achievements navigate to the Announcements page.

You should automatically land on the Achievements tab, but you can double-check by ensuring the Achievement tab is highlighted in orange.

Then locate either a "Badge" or "Tier" achievement and select the edit pencil, as below:


Then customize the achievement as normal.

To learn more about achievements and how to customize them, see What are Achievements.


Note: The default achievements for Badges and Tiers are not added to any channel so if you're using channels make sure to add your achievement to a channel.

🎓Want to learn more about optimizing your Achievements? Register here to access Spinify Academy!🎓