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How to Display Achievements in Slack

After you've integrated Spinify with Slack, any achievements you create or edit can be configured to display in any public slack channel!

Access Achievements

  • Log into your MySpinify account
  • From the left-hand menu click the "Announcements" icon

You should automatically land on the Achievements page, but you can double-check by ensuring the Achievements tab is in orange, as below:


Selecting an Achievement

You can either click the pencil and 'edit' an existing achievement or click the 'Create Achievement' button in the top right:


Configuring Your Achievement

To ensure your notification appears in Slack, select the Slack channel you want to display it in from the "Publish to Slack channels" drop-down box listed under the "Notifications" heading:


Then, continue to edit/create the achievement as needed, and then click 'Save'.

Voila! Your achievements will now display in your designated Slack channel!

For more information on achievements, see: What are Achievements?

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