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How to Integrate with Follow Up Boss

The real estate industry requires agents to do lots of repetitive tasks in order to be successful. Spinify helps you to motivate your agents by pulling activity data on properties from Follow Up Boss and presenting it to agents in a gamified environment. Spinify helps you focus their already competitive behaviors on the right activities for sales success.

Follow these steps to connect Follow Up Boss to Spinify:

1. Obtain Your API Key

  • Log in to Follow Up Boss with an account owner's login
  • Navigate to Admin -> More -> API
  • Copy your API key to the clipboard

2. Integrate Follow Up Boss with Spinify

  • Log into your MySpinify account
  • From the top-right menu click "Settings"
  • You should automatically land on the Integrations section, but double-check by ensuring the "Integrations" tab is highlighted in orange
  • Find the Follow UP Boss card and click connect
  • Paste your API key details from Follow Up Boss into the form and click connect

You can now create a competition with data from your Follow Up Boss integration. Start here - Create a Competition.