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How to Integrate with JobAdder

Spinify helps you to motivate your staff by pulling activity data on properties from JobAdder and presenting it to staff in a gamified environment. Spinify helps you focus their already competitive behaviors on the right activities for sales success.

Follow these steps to connect JobAdder to Spinify:

  • First, install the Spinify app into your JobAdder account from JobAdder Marketplace.
  • Log into your MySpinify account
  • From the top-right menu click "Settings"
  • You should automatically land on the Integrations section, but double-check by ensuring the "Integrations" tab is highlighted in orange
  • Find the JobAdder card and click the Connect button
  • Sign into JobAdder with your JobAdder account details

Users will be mapped from JobAdder to Spinify where possible using email matching.

If you want to adjust the users mapped between your JobAdder account and Spinify:

  • Select "Actions" on the JobAdder integration card
  • Select "Settings"
  • You will then be prompted with a list of Spinify Users and a drop-down with the JobAdder users.
  • For each Spinify user that is in JobAdder, choose their user in JobAdder from the corresponding dropdown.
  • Once all users are configured, choose Save at the bottom.

You can now create a Competition with data from your JobAdder integration. Start here - Create a Competition.