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HubSpot Connected Objects

After you integrate HubSpot with Spinify, the following fields are linked to the objects for you to use when creating Competitions or Achievements in your MySpinify account.


  • Amount - number - Value of deal
  • AmountInHomeCurrency - number - Value of deal converted to home currency (if the deal value is set in a different currency)
  • CloseDate - datetime - Close date set on deal
  • Created - datetime - Date deal was created in HubSpot
  • DaysToClose - number - Number of days between the date the deal was created and the close date set on the deal
  • DealStage - string - Name of the stage the deal is in - Uses the Integration Partner (stage ID) value, see this article on how to find this value: How to use HubSpot deal stages in Spinify filter conditions
  • IsClosed - boolean - true if deal is Closed Won or Closed Lost, otherwise false
  • IsWon - boolean - true if the deal is Closed Won, otherwise false
  • LastUpdated - datetime - last time object was modified in HubSpot
  • Name - string - the name of the deal
  • Owner - string - HubSpot user ID that object belongs to
  • Pipeline - string - corresponds to ID of the pipeline that deal is in - see this article on how to find this value: How to get the pipeline ID for Spinify filters in HubSpot
  • Type - string - corresponds to type of deal in HubSpot. Syncs from HubSpot as one word, all lower case (eg "New Business" in HubSpot syncs to Spinify as "newbusiness")


  • TimeLineAt - datetime - when the object appears on the timeline in HubSpot
  • Owner - string - HubSpot user ID that object belongs to
  • LastUpdated - datetime - last time object was modified in HubSpot
  • Status - string - If a call is made through HubSpot, will be marked as "COMPLETED" when the call is finished. Will not appear if call is logged manually
  • Duration - number - If the call is made through HubSpot,  call duration in seconds. Will not appear if the call is logged manually
  • Outcome - string - Call outcome added from HubSpot, labels can be customized in HubSpot but the default outcome labels are ("Connected", "Left voicemail", "Left live message", "Wrong number", "Busy", and "No answer")


  • TimeLineAt - datetime - when the object appears on the timeline in HubSpot
  • Owner - string - HubSpot user ID that object belongs to
  • LastUpdated - datetime - last time object was modified in HubSpot
  • StartsAt - datetime - when meeting starts
  • EndsAt - datetime - when meeting finishes
  • Name - string - the title of meeting entered in HubSpot
  • Outcome - string - meeting outcome value added from HubSpot, meeting outcome added from HubSpot, labels include HubSpot but the default outcome labels are ("Scheduled", "Completed", "Rescheduled", "No Show" and "Cancelled")
  • Type - string - type of meeting entered into HubSpot


  • Owner - string - HubSpot user ID that task is assigned to
  • TimeLineAt - datetime - when the task appears on the timeline in HubSpot
  • Name - string - subject line from task
  • LastUpdated - datetime - last time task was modified in HubSpot
  • Status - string - One of "NOT_STARTED", "COMPLETED", "IN_PROGRESS", "WAITING", or "DEFERRED"


  • TimeLineAt - datetime - when the email appears on the timeline in HubSpot
  • Owner - string - HubSpot user ID that email belongs to
  • LastUpdated - datetime - last time email was modified in HubSpot
  • Name - string - the subject of the email sent
  • Please note that for security and compliance purposes no email metadata (sender / recipient details, message details, etc) from emails sent through HubSpot are synced to Spinify)


  • Owner - string - HubSpot user ID that object belongs to
  • LastUpdated - datetime - last time object was modified in HubSpot
  • HubSpotScore - number - the sales and marketing score for the company or organization
  • LeadStatus - string - The company's sales, prospecting, or outreach status
  • Name - string - Company name
  • NumOpenDeals - number - number of open deals associated with this company
  • RecentConversionDate - datetime - the first conversion date across all contacts associated with this company or organization
  • RecentDealAmount - number - the amount of the last deal closed for this company
  • RecentDealCloseDate - datetime - close date of the last deal closed for this company
  • SubscriberDate - datetime - the first subscriber date across all contacts associated with this
  • TotalDealValue - number - the total value, in your company's currency, of all open deals associated with this company
  • TotalRevenue - number - the total amount of all closed-won deals associated with this company
  • Type - string - classification of this company record - prospect, partner, etc.


  • Owner - string - HubSpot user ID that object belongs to
  • CreatedBy - string - HubSpot user ID that object belongs to the user that created the contact
  • LastUpdated - datetime - last time object was modified in HubSpot
  • CustomerDate - datetime - when contact's stage changed to customer
  • HubSpotScore - number - score from HubSpot's Lead Scoring app
  • IsUnworked - boolean - true if no contact or action has been made, otherwise false
  • LeadDate - datetime - when contact's stage changed to lead
  • LeadStatus - string - current status of lead
  • MarketingQualifiedLeadDate - datetime - when contact's stage change to MQL
  • Name - string - contact's name
  • NpsRating - number - most recent NPS rating from contact
  • NpsRatingAt - datetime - when NPS rating submitted
  • Opportunity - datetime - when contact's stage changed to "opportunity"
  • RecentConversionDate - datetime - when contact submitted first form
  • RecentDealAmount - number - the value of most recent deal amount for this contact
  • RecentDealCloseDate - datetime - when most recent deal for this contact closed
  • SalesQualifiedLeadDate - datetime - when contact's stage changed to SQL
  • SubscriberDate - datetime - when contact's stage changed to "subscriber"
  • TotalRevenue - number - total value of all closed deals associated with this contact


  • Name - Subject line from the ticket
  • Owner - HubSpot user ticket was assigned to
  • LastUpdated - when the ticket was last modified
  • Created - when the ticket was created
  • ClosedDate - when the ticket was marked close
  • FirstAgentReplyDate - when the first agent reply was sent
  • LastCESRating - CES rating (number)
  • LastSurveyDate - When the last CES survey was conducted
  • LastContacted - When the last reply was sent on the ticket
  • NextActivityDate - When the next activity is scheduled for the ticket
  • NumTimesContacted - number - Number of times contacted
  • Pipeline - string - Pipeline id
  • Stage - string - Stage id
  • Category - string - ticket category
  • Priority - 
  • TimeToCloseAt - datetime - when a ticket needs to be closed according to SLA
  • TimeToFirstResponseAt - datetime - when the first response must be sent according to SLA
  • OwnerAssignedAt - datetime - when owner assigned to the ticket
  • NPSScore - number - NPS score
  • SourceType - string - the source of ticket
  • TimeToClose - number - time in seconds to close the ticket
  • TimeToFirstAgentReply - number - time in seconds to first agent reply

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