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JIRA Connected Objects

After you connect your JIRA account Spinify the following object/fields get linked for you to use in competitions.

Issues synced from Jira are of any type, eg Epic, Story, Task, Subtask, Bug, and are mapped to the Case object in Spinify

Note: When you create a Leaderboard you would run it on "Cases" in Spinify which is mapped to JIRA Issues.

Cases Field Mapping (with the corresponding field in a JIRA issue)
  • CaseNumber (issue.key)
  • Name (issue.key)
  • Owner - Assignee email address (issue.fields.assignee.emailAddress)
  • Type ( - For example, "Task", "Sub-task", "Story", "Bug", "Epic".
  • IsClosed (boolean - true if is "Done" or "Resolved" or "Closed" or "Completed", otherwise false)
  • Priority (
  • Status (
  • Subject (issue.fields.key)
  • LastUpdated (issue.fields.updated)
  • ClosedDate (issue.fields.updated value when IsClosed first becomes true)
  • CreatedDate (issue.fields.created)

To learn more about the issues object in JIRA, please see their API Documentation.

Add a Custom Field

Please see this article for more information.