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Outreach Connected Objects

After you connect your Outreach account with Spinify, the following fields are linked to the objects in Spinify for you to use when creating competitions or achievements.

  • BuyerIntentScore - number - buyer intent score for account
  • CreatedAt - datetime - when the account was created
  • Industry - string - industry account is in
  • NumberOfEmployees - number - number of employees associated with account
  • TouchedAt - datetime - when account was last contacted
  • Owner - string - Outreach user the account belongs to
  • DialedAt - datetime - when call dialed
  • CompletedDateTime - datetime - when call completed
  • Duration - number - duration in seconds call lasted from dialed at to completed at
  • Direction - string - direction of call (eg inbound, outbound, etc)
  • CallOutcome - string - outcome of call: answered / no answer
  • CallDisposition - string - disposition of call
  • CallPurpose - string - purpose of call
  • State - string - state of call (eg active, completed)
  • StateChangedAt - string - when state last changed
  • LastUpdated - datetime
  • Name - string - Name of call with to / from numbers
  • Owner - string - Outreach user the call belongs to
  • ClickCount - number - number of clicks received
  • ClickedAt - datetime - when last clicked by recipient
  • DeliveredAt - datetime - when delivered to recipient
  • OpenCount - number - number of times mailing opened by recipient
  • SequenceName - string - name of sequence mailing belongs to
  • Subject - string - first 100 characters of subject line from mailing
  • LastUpdated - datetime
  • Name - string - mailing's name
  • Owner - string - Outreach user the mailing belongs to
  • Amount - number - value of opportunity
  • CloseDate - date - opportunity's close date
  • CreatedAt - datetime - when opportunity was created
  • HeathCategory - string - opportunity's health category
  • HealthScore - number - opportunity's health score
  • Probability - number - opportunity's probability of closing
  • OpportunityStageName - string - stage name of opportunity
  • OpportunityType -string - opportunity's type (eg 'New Business')
  • Tags - string - comma separated list of tags applied to opportunity
  • TouchedAt - datetime - last time a prospect associated with the opportunity was contacted in any way
  • TrashedAt - datetime - when opportunity was trashed
  • LastUpdated - datetime
  • Name - string - opportunity's name
  • Owner - string - Outreach user the opportunity belongs to


  • AccountName - string - account name associated with prospect
  • AddedAt - datetime - when prospect was added
  • ClickCount - number - number of times prospect has clicked on a mailing
  • OpenCount - number - number of mailings opened by prospect
  • ReplyCount - number - number of replies sent by prospect
  • CreatedAt - datetime - when prospect was created
  • EngagedAt - datetime - when prospect was engaged
  • EngagedScore - number - prospect's engaged score
  • TouchedAt - datetime - when prospect last contacted
  • StageName - string - prospect's stage name
  • Title - string - prospect's job title
  • PersonaName - string - persona type of prospect
  • LastUpdated - datetime
  • Name - string - prospect's name (with title and account name included when set)
  • Owner - string - Outreach user the prospect belongs to 
  • Creator - string - Outreach user that created sequence
  • UpdatedBy - string - Outreach user that last updated sequence
  • DeliverCount - number - count of mailings associated with sequence have been delivered
  • ClickCount - number - number of times mailings associated with sequence have been clicked
  • NumRepliedProspects - number of prospects that have replied to a mailing associated with the sequence
  • PositiveReplyCound - number of prospects that have replied positively to a mailing associated with the sequence
  • DurationInDays - number - number of days sequence has been active
  • CreatedAt - datetime - when sequence was created
  • EnabledAt - datetime - when sequence was enabled
  • LastUsedAt - datetime - when sequence was last used
  • Description - string - description set on sequence
  • LastUpdated - datetime
  • Name - string - sequence's name
  • Owner - string - Outreach user the sequence belongs to
  • CreatedAt - datetime - when task was created
  • DueAt - datetime - when task is due
  • CompletedDatetime - datetime - when task was completed
  • Action - string - tasks's action
  • TaskType - string - type of task
  • CompletedOnTime - boolean - true when completed date time is before dueat, otherwise false
  • LastUpdated - datetime
  • Name - string - task's name
  • Owner - string - Outreach user the task belongs to