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Salesforce Connected Objects

Spinify supports a wide range of objects and fields from Salesforce.

Modifying the Objects and Fields

You may change the Salesforce object or field that points to Spinify.  For instance, if you have a custom amount field on opportunities that you want to track for your deals, such as "amount without tax" you can modify the Salesforce that links to the Spinify Deal Amount field.  Or if you use a custom object for your deals, you can change that as well (see: Customizing Salesforce Fields.

Custom Fields

If you don't see the field you need to sync, you can create a custom field and sync that. Spinify supports adding any type of field from your Salesforce account.

Filtering Records

If you want to restrict records from syncing, such as a specific record type, you can set up filtering so that only some records will sync to the Spinify object.  You will see this used for Calls, Emails, and Meetings, which are linked to the Task object, but with a specific Subtype set.

Default Supported Objects

After you integrate Salesforce with Spinify, the following fields are linked to the objects for you to use when creating Competitions or Achievements in your MySpinify account.


  • Account Name*
  • Owner*
  • Industry
  • Account Type
  • Last Modified Date*
  • Created Date*


Calls are connected to the Task object where the "Task Subtype" field equals "Call". 

  • Subject*
  • Assigned to / Owner*
  • Due Date*
  • Status*
  • Related To*
  • SubType*
  • Closed
  • RecordType
  • Last Modified Date*


  • Case Number
  • Case Origin
  • Owner*
  • Case Reason
  • Escalated
  • Closed*
  • Priority
  • Status
  • Subject
  • Case Type
  • Last Modified Date*
  • Closed Date
  • Created Date

Not mapped by default

  • Company
  • Email Address
  • Phone
  • Name


🀝Opportunity / Deal

  • Name*
  • Close Date*
  • Amount*
  • Closed*
  • Won*
  • Stage*
  • Opportunity Type*
  • Owner*
  • Probability
  • Forecast Category
  • Next Step
  • Expected Amount
  • Lead Source
  • Last Modified Date*
  • Created Date*

For each Deal/Opportunity, Spinify also connects the line items/products associated with the Opportunity.

  • Product Name
  • Product Code
  • Sales Price
  • Quantity
  • Total Price
  • Active
  • Product Family
  • List Price
  • Last Modified Date


Emails are connected to the Task object where the "Task Subtype" field equals "Email". 

  • Subject*
  • Assigned to / Owner*
  • Due Date*
  • Status*
  • Related To*
  • SubType*
  • Closed
  • Last Modified Date*


  • Full Name*
  • Status*
  • Owner*
  • Converted*
  • Record Type
  • Converted Date
  • Last Modified Date*
  • Created Date*


Meetings are connected to the Task object where the "Task Subtype" field equals "Meeting". 

  • Subject*
  • Assigned to / Owner*
  • Due Date*
  • Status*
  • Related To*
  • SubType*
  • Closed
  • Record Type
  • Last Modified Date*

πŸ’ΈTrailing Revenue

Trailing Revenue doesn't have any default setup.  You can use this Spinify object to link a Salesforce object that tracks trailing revenue earned from a customer.  Simply follow the Customizing Salesforce Fields article for details on how to choose an object and set the required fields.


*All fields with a star are required fields, other fields are not necessary to sync.

πŸŽ“Want to learn more about optimizing your Salesforce CRM Integration? Register here to access Spinify Academy!πŸŽ“