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Salesforce Lightning Component Not Working?

Following the release in Salesforce of a restriction to custom metadata types, Salesforce non-admins no longer have the required permissions to get the needed information to pull in Spinify competitions.
You may see this message on the "Leaderboard" page or lightning component:
To resolve this, you'll need to re-enable read access to custom metadata outside of Apex code or system mode contexts.
To accomplish this in Salesforce:
  1. In Setup, navigate to Schema Settings.
  2. Deselect Restrict access to custom metadata.

    Try the steps using our Interactive Player. We recommend opening this tutorial in Fullscreen by clicking on the icon as per the GIF below before starting the tutorial:



If you still need help, then please feel free to click the “💬 Help” icon on the bottom right of this page. Our Customer Success Team will be more than happy to assist!

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