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Agentbox Connected Objects

To pull specific data on property information from Agentbox these are the fields you can use.

Type = Lease or Sale
Status = Appraisal, Presentation, Pending,  Available, Conditional, Unconditional, Settled, Leased, Withdrawn, Archived

Note: Status of Pending is equivalent to Offline in Agentbox

Standard Competitions

Property's Appraised Leaderboard

AppraisalDate is within Leaderboard duration

Property's Listed Leaderboard

ListedDate is within Leaderboard duration
Optional: Also use 'Status is Pending' or Status is Available' to specify if the listing should be counted if it is available or not.

Property's Unconditional Leaderboard

UnconditionalDate is within Leaderboard duration

Property's Sold Leaderboard

SettledDate is within Leaderboard duration

Custom Competitions

🏡PropertyListing fields available for Competitions and Achievements:

  • "AppraisalAgent": agent that did appraisal
  • "AppraisalDate": appraisal date in agent box
  • "AuctionDate": auction date in agent box
  • "Bathrooms": number of bathrooms
  • "City": suburb / city of listing
  • "ContractDate": contract date
  • "Country": country for listing
  • "CreatedAt": date listing created
  • "DisplayPrice": display price for listing
  • "Image": image url for listing
  • "LastUpdated": modified time in UTC timezone
  • "LastUpdatedLocalTime": modified time in local timezone
  • "ListedDate": listed date for listing
  • "ListingAgent": listing agent for listing
  • "Name": street address for listing
  • "OnMarketDate": on market date for listing
  • "Owner": listing agent for listing
  • "PriceFrom": price from
  • "PropertyCategory": "",
  • "PropertyType": Appraisal, Presentation, Pending,  Available, Conditional, Unconditional, Settled, Leased, Withdrawn, Archived,
  • "SaleDetailsCommissionAmountExGST": commission amount ex gst,
  • "SaleDetailsCommissionAmountIncGST": commission amount inc gst,
  • "SaleDetailsPrice": price on listing,
  • "SecondaryAppraisalAgent": second appraisal agent on listing,
  • "SecondaryListingAgent": second listing agent on listing,
  • "SecondaryOwner": second listing agent on listing,
  • "SecondarySellingAgent": second selling agent on listing,
  • "SellingAgent": selling agent on listing,
  • "SettledDate": settled date,
  • "SoldPrice": sold price,
  • "State": state from address for listing

💰Default Commission fields available for Competitions and Achievements:

  •     "Owner": agentbox user the commission belongs to
  •     "Name": street address of listing commission was earned on
  •     "AmountExGST": commission split amount for owner
  •     "Role": agentbox user's role on the listing that earned the commission
  •     "PercentageSplit": agentbox user's split percentage
  •     "SettledDate": the settled date on the listing that created the commission
  •     "UnconditionalDate": the unconditional date on the listing that created the commission

📑Performance Reports

Any metric from Agentbox's Performance Report is available to use with Spinify. By default the following fields are available:

  • Total / Split Appraisals
  • Total / Split Listings
  • Total / Split Sales Written
  • Total / Split Commission Written
  • Total / Split Presentations

Any of the almost 70 values from the performance report can be added in by request.

Please see this article for the full list of available fields.